Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I was made to know Your love.

As stated in my last post, God has been doing incredible things in my life as of this past week or so. It has been so cool just to watch and feel Him move and to see the change that He has made in my heart. I don't think I can even put it into words or describe it, but I am just this new creation in Christ now. It's incredible.

The main thing that God has been working on me is to just fall in love with Him. He has shown me that I lost it. I lost the love that I once had for God, the intimacy that comes in knowing Christ. I was going through the motions and doing good things and even feeling God move every once in a while, but I wasn't in love with Him. I wasn't seeking after Him. I wasn't running after Him with everything in me. I wasn't leaving everything in reckless abandonment to His praise. I wasn't living my life at His feet, desperate to know Him more. I just wasn't in love with Him anymore, and once I realized that and asked God to teach me to fall back in love with Him, things started changing.

I am now so totally and completely in love with God and it has become very evident in my life. I think about Him more now. I am more dedicated in my prayer life and reading my Bible isn't a chore or an item on a to-do list, it is something that I value and long after. I seek His face more and cherish every moment I get to worship Him in. I hear His voice urging me to do new things and to better myself. I live my life to bring Him glory and honor. I just want so much more of Him in every moment of every day and I seek constantly after that.

I'm not saying all of this to say that I am some great Christian or that I'm so holy and wonderful. I'm saying this so that you guys can understand that once God takes ahold of your heart, it changes your life. It changes every single aspect of your life, and it's amazing. It's this journey that you go on with God and each moment brings new, wonderful things and you just stand so amazed at His beauty. It's amazing. I can't even put it into words.

Today, I was talking to my best friend, Jessica, on the phone. We were just catching up and talking about how life has been as it has taken us on our separate paths, and I was just telling her about how God is doing all these great things. I'm pretty sure I went on for about ten minutes just talking about what God is doing in my life, and then I said "I'm sorry, I'm sure I sound really weird right now," and she replied with "No, you sound like yourself. Trust me." And that really, really hit me. I don't think she realized it, but it hit me so hard and it was a total blessing to me.

I realized that when I am in love with God, I am myself. So many times I try so hard to figure out who I am or what I am, you know, all those hard questions we always ask ourselves. I try to write it out, to define my being, but it hit me tonight that none of that matters, because I find my identity in God alone. When I am in love with Him and seeking His face and watching Him move, then I am me. I am who He created me to be. I was made to know His love. Isn't that incredible? The God of the Universe created us to be ourselves when we are intimate with Him.

We were made to know His love.

Elyse Moreno (:

1 comment:

  1. beautiful. exactly what God's been trying to tell me recently...
