Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Just a Little Something to Remember

"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."
-1 John 4:4

I read this this morning and really loved it, so I thought I should share it with you guys. I'm going to try to do this more often. I've been waking up 20 minutes early and reading a few chapters in my Bible before I start the day and I'm planning on picking a verse a day from that reading to memorize and meditate on throughout the day. It's pretty sweet. God's word is awesome.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


I wish I could sit here and type out a whole blog post about everything God is doing in my life, because it is just so amazing, but unfortunately, it's almost midnight and I have a 7:45 class in the morning, so this is going to have to be short, sweet, and to the point.

God is doing huge, and I really do mean huge, things in my life. The two main ones include going to a different country and sort of changing what I have planned for my life. For the first one, I'm applying to go to Kenya this Spring Break on a Ninedays trip. The second, well, I have this new dream. I want to open a home for teens recovering from the addiction of self-mutilation. It's a bit more intricate than that, but that's basically it.

I know these things may not seem very huge, but let me give you a little bit of background. My whole life, I've known I'm going to be a missionary. I'm called to go to the ends of the Earth and preach the Good News to anyone that will listen. I know that. I've always known that. I think it was in Junior High or something like that when God specifically told me it was going to be to China. So ever since then, I have been set in stone about the fact that I am going to China and teaching English and telling people about God. Well. God may have different plans. With the Kenya thing, one of the trips I could go on is to Asia. I thought that was the trip I was going to go on. It only made sense, right? Apparently not. I prayed about it and a lot of things happened to confirm (long stories) that I am, in fact, supposed to go to Kenya instead. With the opening a home for teens struggling with self-mutilation thing, well, that kind of goes against everything I have ever planned for my life, against everything I have known God has been calling me to. But now He's calling me to this. It's really confusing. Trust me, I know.

I don't know what God's doing right now. I don't know if I'm going to open a home in China or somewhere else or what. I don't know if this new calling means I'm not going to be a missionary (though I really hope and don't think it means that at all). I don't understand. I have no idea what's going on, but that is so beautiful. It is so beautiful because all of my life I have been the type of person that needs every little detail of my life planned out. I'm really crazy about it, and this new thing God is doing in my life - it terrifies me. It makes me feel like I've had it all wrong. But it also excites me. It makes me so excited, because each day is a new surprise now. It's so incredible to watch God move.

The main thing all of this is taking is faith - faith that He knows what He's doing, faith that I will somehow get the finances to go to Kenya (because Lord knows I have no idea where that money is coming from). I am needing to put a whole heck of a lot of faith in God, and that is what He has been teaching me. He has brought many, many Bible verses to me about faith (Hebrews 11 is my new life chapter for this season in my life) and today in church, the sermon was about faith. Coincidence? I think not.

So I'm on this new journey with God. This journey of pursuing my dreams and seeking after God with everything in me, this journey of putting faith in God because I know He will not let me down. It's terrifying. I hate it. But I also love it. It's so cool. God is so cool. I love this.

Pray for me, guys. I'm gonna need it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

These moments.

Chapel today was awesome. Jared Anderson lead worship and there wasn't a message or anything, we just worshiped God the whole time. I loved it. I am a total worshipper. I could just spend hours in a service like that, worshiping Christ, and I'd be totally content with my life.

God really speaks to me through worship, and today, He gave me a simple but very profound word. Throughout my life, I have had some really awesome moments with God; New Zealand, Europe, Haiti, Acquire The Fire, Church camp, EMU lock-ins, etc. They have all been incredible and God has touched me in them, and I often look to them to remember how amazing God is. I find myself often thinking back on the way that God moved in those moments and asking God to show up in a similar way.

Well, today, God kept telling me the words "these moments" and at first I didn't really understand what He was saying, but I realized after a while what He meant. My life here, now, at college, is one of those moments. Sure, it's extended on a longer period of time, but my life right now - I am living in one of those moments. These moments, this life - God is here and He is working and it's incredible, and some day I am going to look back on these moments and think "wow, those four years changed my life. God really moved there." It's just really encouraging to me.

Oh, and another thing. For the first time ever today while I was praying during worship, I told God that I am home. I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but to me it meant a whole lot. I've been really struggling with feeling at home here, and wow, I just declared it today that this is my home and with Him is where I belong always, regardless of location. He has me here now, and that means I am home. Pretty cool, huh?


Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Tonight, I learned something about God. I learned that He moves in a lot of different ways and that there are multiple ways to connect to Him. Tonight when I went into the prayer room I was about to do my usual routine of writing out a prayer, reading my Bible, and listening to some worship music. Don't get me wrong, this method has worked for me for years. It's kind of become what God and I do, but I think that it also got me into this rut where I thought that was the only way to connect to Him, and tonight I learned that God likes to move in me in different ways.

As I went to the prayer room tonight. I had a lot on my mind about this novel I am going to be writing in november for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I was stressing out about it, but I knew that for some reason, God had really been laying it on my heart. I knew that He wanted me to write a book in which He would shine through every page. He gave me this dream tonight, and He showed me that He can work through my writing, even if it's not the typical prayer to Him. He works through many of my different writings if I just give them up to Him. So I tried something new. I told Him I was going to write Him a poem, and well, here it is. I titled it "growth."

The one who turns the acorn into a tree
is also growing new works in me.
The one who taught the sparrows to fly
is daring me to reach for the sky.
The one who wipes away every hidden tear
is constantly drawing me near.
The one who commands the stars to shine
is telling me that He is mine.
The one who repairs every broken heart
is taking me back to the start.
The one who paints the sunset
makes sure that all my needs are met.
The one who allows the sun to rise
is placing new dreams in my mind.
The one who paid the ultimate price
is calling me forth to lay down my life
in reckless abandonment to his praise
to forever make known His name.
To use the dreams He has given me
to help set the captives free.
To lead, to love, to break down the chains
that entangle His children in a world full of pain.
To lay down everything at the foot of His cross
to reach and find those that are lost.
To break down every single wall
until His name is the only one I call.
When I am lost, broken, or afraid
I will rely on the promises in His name.
I know He is the living Christ.
In Him I alone I have found my life.
I will praise Him 'till my lungs give out.
From every mountain top I will shout
that my God, who turns the acorn into a tree
is growing new works in me.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I was made to know Your love.

As stated in my last post, God has been doing incredible things in my life as of this past week or so. It has been so cool just to watch and feel Him move and to see the change that He has made in my heart. I don't think I can even put it into words or describe it, but I am just this new creation in Christ now. It's incredible.

The main thing that God has been working on me is to just fall in love with Him. He has shown me that I lost it. I lost the love that I once had for God, the intimacy that comes in knowing Christ. I was going through the motions and doing good things and even feeling God move every once in a while, but I wasn't in love with Him. I wasn't seeking after Him. I wasn't running after Him with everything in me. I wasn't leaving everything in reckless abandonment to His praise. I wasn't living my life at His feet, desperate to know Him more. I just wasn't in love with Him anymore, and once I realized that and asked God to teach me to fall back in love with Him, things started changing.

I am now so totally and completely in love with God and it has become very evident in my life. I think about Him more now. I am more dedicated in my prayer life and reading my Bible isn't a chore or an item on a to-do list, it is something that I value and long after. I seek His face more and cherish every moment I get to worship Him in. I hear His voice urging me to do new things and to better myself. I live my life to bring Him glory and honor. I just want so much more of Him in every moment of every day and I seek constantly after that.

I'm not saying all of this to say that I am some great Christian or that I'm so holy and wonderful. I'm saying this so that you guys can understand that once God takes ahold of your heart, it changes your life. It changes every single aspect of your life, and it's amazing. It's this journey that you go on with God and each moment brings new, wonderful things and you just stand so amazed at His beauty. It's amazing. I can't even put it into words.

Today, I was talking to my best friend, Jessica, on the phone. We were just catching up and talking about how life has been as it has taken us on our separate paths, and I was just telling her about how God is doing all these great things. I'm pretty sure I went on for about ten minutes just talking about what God is doing in my life, and then I said "I'm sorry, I'm sure I sound really weird right now," and she replied with "No, you sound like yourself. Trust me." And that really, really hit me. I don't think she realized it, but it hit me so hard and it was a total blessing to me.

I realized that when I am in love with God, I am myself. So many times I try so hard to figure out who I am or what I am, you know, all those hard questions we always ask ourselves. I try to write it out, to define my being, but it hit me tonight that none of that matters, because I find my identity in God alone. When I am in love with Him and seeking His face and watching Him move, then I am me. I am who He created me to be. I was made to know His love. Isn't that incredible? The God of the Universe created us to be ourselves when we are intimate with Him.

We were made to know His love.

Elyse Moreno (:

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Wow, guys. God has been doing so much in my life. It's been insane. I've been on this incredible journey with Him, especially in the last few days even. Ah, I can't even begin to describe it, so here is a few little things God has been showing me. I will expand on them sometime later, but I have homework and lots of stuff to do tonight, so no time for a long blog post. :( Anyways, here's what God's doing:

  • Showing me He is in control, and He knows what He's doing. Teaching me that no matter what happens, He's will always have my best interest in mind.
  • Teaching me to fall in love with Him more and more each second of each day.
  • Walking with me, every day.
  • Teaching me to acknowledge Him in the small things, in the little moments where I find myself alone.
  • Showing me that I am never alone. He is always by my side, in everything I do.
Well, guys. There's probably more that I'm forgetting, but as of right now, this is it. God is so great and I am falling more in love with Him all the time. I am so happy to be called a child of the living Christ. I will keep you guys updated more when I have more time to sit down and spell it all out for you. But for now, this should hold you over. (:

Oh and Ps. Be praying for me, please. I'm giving my testimony to a class on Friday and I'm a tad bit nervous. Thanks guys, you're the best. (: