Friday, October 24, 2014

Celebrate Every Little Victory

Recovery is a journey that has many ups and downs. I'm learning how vitally important it is to celebrate every step forward, no matter how small (or big!) it may feel.

Remembering to eat dinner.
Getting out of bed in the morning.
Going to the grocery store.
Asking someone a question.
Answering a question in class.
Going to class.
Going to counseling.
Going to a small group/recovery group.
Attending a community event.
Driving to a community event, getting to the parking lot, and leaving.
Doing the dishes.
Taking a shower.
Washing the dog.
Taking a walk.
Calling up an old friend.
Singing a song.

Be proud of yourself today, friend. Look at how far you have come. Look at all the things you have done. You can do this. You can do this. You can do this.

Remember: you are worth love, respect, and celebration of how far you've made it. Celebrate your victories today. Love yourself. Self-care is so important.

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