Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Before I start off this post, I have a prayer request for all you guys out there. I just found out yesterday that in 15 days, I owe $800 for my Kenya mission trip this Spring Break. I'm trusting that God will provide and that He will prove Himself faithful, I just also need a lot of prayer. Pray that the money comes in and pray that I will be strong and have the faith that it will in fact come in.

Okay, moving on.

Today, I fasted. I was praying mainly about the Kenya trip and the funds that go along with it. Tonight, we had a Miller Hall LifeCore where all the girls from Miller Hall got together and did a service and just ran after God. It was a really great night, but I was so distracted by how hungry I was. I realized that I was focused more on the fact that I would be able to eat in a few hours than on the service. God really spoke something to my heart at that moment. What if I longed after God the way I longed after food? What if I realized that I need Him more than I need food? What if I hungered and thirsted after Him as passionately as I do for actual food and water? How, then, would He be able to move in my life?

I want to. I want to have such a hunger for God, others can see it in me. I want to be so passionate about seeking His face. I want to fall so deeply in love with Him. I want to long after His touch and His presence in my life. I want to get to that place of intimacy with Him, but I don't know how.

So I guess that brings me to a second prayer request for you guys. Please be praying that God will teach me how to hunger after Him, how to truly long for and seek after Him with all that I've got.

Thanks guys, you're the best! (:

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