Monday, September 19, 2011


Have you ever found yourself somewhere and wondered how the heck you got there? I'm not talking about literal places, but in life. Like somehow all of the sudden you're at rock bottom and you don't understand how it happened. You didn't notice your life spiraling out of control until it was too late to do something, and all of the sudden you find yourself at this place where you don't really know what or who you live for anymore.

Today, I found myself there. I found myself in this place where I go through the motions, where I'm complacent, where there is no strive for more. I blamed it on the busyness of life for a while, but that's no excuse for neglecting the person that saved my life. I think it's really easy to get here on a Christian campus. I'm constantly surrounded by people that love God, I have no choice but to go to chapel every day, and I hear about God pretty much every moment during classes. I study the Bible in my classes and go to Praise Gatherings every Wednesday night. It's routine. It's easy. But there's no personal connection, no strive to have more and more of God. It's just going through the motions of being a student at a Christian college.

I'm not saying that I'm not saved or that I don't love God or anything like that, because I do. I love God with my whole heart, but that's still not enough. It's not enough to just be happy with where I am in my walk with God. Because when that happens, I find that I'd much rather text my friends than read my Bible. I'd much rather finish up on my homework than spend a few moments alone with God. And those things are good things. Friends, homework, Facebook - that's all good stuff, when it's put into it's place. And it's place is NOT before God. It should never, ever take priority over Christ, and if I'm being completely honest, it is right now in my life.

So today God called me to do something that may seem like a little thing, but to me it's a pretty big thing. He said to turn off my phone for a week and to just press into Him. I believe with my whole heart that He has something huge in store for me here. He didn't bring me here for no reason, He has a purpose, I'm just ignoring it and letting other things take priority in my life. So, this week, my phone is staying off. I'm just going to love God and seek His face and see what He has for me. I am so excited. I know that it's going to be great. He's going to change my life because every single day I spend with Him is a chance for my life to be radically altered by my Creator.

I hope this week is awesome for you guys, and that you are also changed by God in the days to come. I know that God has something big for each and every one of us, sometimes we just have to evaluate ourselves and see where our priorities truly lie. It's going to be a great week, guys. I really believe it.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! I am in SHOCK. GOOD FOR YOU!! Not in shock that you are recognizing this - because your just sensitive to God like that - but in shock that your turning off your phone. Goodness gracious I never thought I'd see that :) Love you bug! If it makes you feel any better - it's not just being at a Christian college - this is something you'll face in life all the time. It's hard when your doing "God" stuff all the time to realize sometimes you have to STOP and soak. This is something I fight all the time. It's easy to get busy and feel like your doing just fine 'cause your doing all that Christian stuff. This is good for you to work on now - because as someone who will spend their life in ministry - this is something you will always have to be cautious of. I love you. So proud of you for being sensitive to the spirit. I'm a blessed Mom. You are a blessing to me and I learn and grow in MY walk by watching yours. Love you baby!
